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重制《潜龙谍影 3》工作室正在重制 3A 大作 有3A质量美术制作与 4K 画面

发布时间:2021-10-12 10:00:13作者:优游大陆阅读:我要评论(0

盛传将负责《潜龙谍影 3》重制版的工作室 Virtuos 证实,开发团队正在研发一款 3A 动作冒险游戏的重制工作。

Twitter 用户 Faizan Shaikh 留意到 Virtuos 的首席工程师李之阳(音译)在自己的领英档案说,自 2018 年开始就一直参与一个 3A 重制游戏。

Accept the mission and play three great chapters in the Metal Gear franchise with the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection. Included are Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. All three games are rendered in high-definition for the first time! <p> MGS 2: Players take the role of a one-man army determined to stop a deadly high-tech weapon from falling into the hands of a highly elite resistance group known as Dead Cell. Playwers must utilize their skills in stealth, weaponry, and counter-terrorism to fight off the competing powers. Progress through a twisting storyline and eventually face the gigantic war machine, Metal Gear Ray. <p> MGS 3: In the struggle to achieve world peace and world dominance in the Cold War period, rivaling governments are secretly developing weapons technology that could threaten the future existence of life. Destined to be the first, a race ensues to become the ultimate nation. A special elite tactical soldier is summoned to penetrate deep in the heart of enemy territory and obtain Intel about

李之阳在领英的工作内容写着,这个重制版游戏将会「在某些平台上支持 4K 功能」,以及「3A 质量的美术制作」。虽然不清楚李之阳指的是哪一个游戏,但本月稍早有报道指称科乐美打算将《潜龙谍影》游戏重制后再度带到新主机上,并且可能还会将《潜龙谍影 3:食蛇者》全部进行重制,并传言将由 Virtuos 工作室负责。

至于 Virtuos 对于开发 3A 游戏也是驾轻就熟。之前他们曾负责《黑暗之魂 重制版》的 Switch 版,也曾参与许多大作的开发工作,包括《神秘海域 4》、《使命召唤:黑色行动 4》、《地平线:零之曙光》、《天外世界》、《古墓丽影:暗影》等作品。


地牢求生2 Mod-海外游戏破解版下载


类 型:动作冒险

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